Message to Men – Slaying the Porn-Driven Beast

fantasy scene knight fighting dragonTo men, especially those who profess to be Christians:

Porn is evil, and it threatens the women in your life—your wife, your sister, your daughter.

If you view porn, you are increasing that threat. You are part of the problem.

Porn is not victimless. Not only does it turn God’s creative beauty into a degraded object of lust, it feeds an industry that enslaves girls in sex trafficking.

If you view porn, you are part of the sex-slave problem.

How? Here is the domino effect:

  • One view of a porn page increases the site’s traffic count.
  • Traffic adds to the site’s ability to attract advertisers.
  • Advertising increases revenue.
  • Revenue enables the site to produce more porn.
  • More porn availability infuses viewers with more desire to act on their lusts.
  • More acting on lust leads the viewers to seek prostitutes.
  • More customers for prostitutes increases the need for more prostitutes.
  • This need incites pimps to get more girls, sometimes as young as 12 years old, through kidnapping or coercion.
  • Many of these girls are trapped in slavery, often for years, sometimes servicing multiple men every night.

And every porn viewer contributes to their hellish nightmares.

Men, think of the women in your lives. We are designed to protect them. We are called to elevate them with honor and respect. We are to be warriors who guard their bodies, their minds, their souls. We are not to be contributors to their destruction.

Porn ruins lives, breaks up families, and poisons cultures. The Internet has more than 400 million porn pages. One survey tells us that 97% of “Christian” men view porn at some frequency, and 7% view it several times each day. This is an abomination.

The sex industry is a beast that devours body and soul, and porn is its fuel. Without men as customers and enablers, the monster would wither and fade away.

Men, don’t feed the beast. Don’t be allies with those who enslave little girls and force them to satisfy the lustful hunger of multiple men night after night after night. No woman truly wants to do this. They are not pieces of meat to be bought and sold. They are somebody’s daughters, and the next victim might be your daughter, sister, or granddaughter.

Cast porn into the fires of hell where it belongs. Rise up with me and tell men that viewing porn is destroying women and girls. Tell men if they view porn, we will oppose them as enemies. They are friends and allies of those who kidnap and enslave girls for sex and profit.

Real men don’t view porn. Real men draw their swords to conquer the beast and those who give it power.

Categories: Thoughts from the Heart

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21 replies

  1. As someone who served in the Air Force, and swore to be a warrior and to protect people this is entirely heart breaking. It is heartbreaking not because of the information being shared, which yes is very horrible, but the number of people this information reaches and falls on death ears, and the numbers that will continue to contribute to this major problem. It has to be thought about and take very seriously. What if it was your daughter, or your best friend that who was kid napped and forced into this industry, or what if it was your marriage that was destroyed as a result of watching pornography. There are so many issues that come about as a result of this. For those that believe that there is no slavery in the United States anymore, just think about this, the sex trade and human trafficking to support the sex trade is one of the largest crimes present in the world. Like it was said there are over 400 million porn pages. The numbers of people that view pornography in the work place is shocking. Pornography can destroy every aspect of one’s life, and the sex trade is one of the oldest professions on the planet. It is not simply going to go away, we have to actively get rid of it. We have to say no to a sex filled society that promotes sex for pleasure and just for the sake of doing it is ok. We need to get back to a society that views sex as something that should only take place in the confines of marriage. Sex is used because it sells, it is something we are all naturally weak to, we have to be able to say no and we have to turn our country and our world around.

    However, all of this starts at one place. It starts within ourselves. It starts with us saying no to pornography, if you have to take up accountability partners, and use accountability software. If not it isn’t a maybe it will harm someone and it will negatively impact your life. If not for yourself, do it to protect, those woman in your life that you love and care about.

  2. Wow. This really gets at my heart. My name, Alec, means ‘protector and defender of mankind,’ and it grieves my spirit to see how people are being influenced and possessed by this ravaging beast that follows Satan’s purpose through stealing, killing, and destroying lives.

    As a protector of mankind, I will draw my sword and take the stand with you to fight for the bright, innocent souls who are being overtaken in this dark world.

  3. Really beautiful post, Mr. Davis. ^ ^ When I see people kid about pornography in media, it really saddens me because they seem to have no idea how hurtful pornography is and they’re spreading that it’s okay

  4. Good post, Mr. Davis :). I’d love to see this topic expanded on, both by you and perhaps some guest posters if possible. Maybe with angles such as what men can do to get out of such an addiction, what women can do to help guys get out of an addiction, how it affects women who are around friends/family/etc that are addicted, why it’s still bad to watch/read virtual porn like erotic manga, etc.

    Regardless, thank you for posting this. I took a glance at the survey you linked and although I already have seen plenty of examples of how girls can be just as bad at guys when it comes to erotic stuff, I thought it was sad to see how many girls watch that sort of thing and seem not to have a problem with it. Especially since some people seem to act like it’s only a problem that guys deal with. Or, perhaps, acting like guys are the only ones who are morally obligated to get rid of such addictions 🙁

    • Thank you. For some reason, porn designed for women (such as Fifty Shades of Grey) is deemed acceptable to many. I don’t get it.

      • Yeah, that’s one of my biggest pet peeves. And then that attitude leads to women feeling like they should be able to dress in a way that makes things extremely difficult for men and yet they say that men are the only ones who have responsibility to control their side of the situation. I don’t think women wearing erotic clothing should be considered an excuse for rape, but it seems extremely horrible and illogical that a woman would show substantial parts of her chest in public and expect only the handsome young men she desires to be attracted to what she shows.

        And I think the feminists that are all about women being treated well should consider how their lack of modesty or approval of porn hurts other girls. They may think that women’s rights should mean dressing the way they want, but I think they should care how other women are traumatized by the resulting rape or cheating husband.

        But I guess there are some that seem to think that since women were treated horrible in the past they have a license to do what they want now.

    • For some reason it seems that if the intended audience is for women, it gets deemed as a romance novel, yet if it is geared towards men it is labeled as porn. Which is something that we need to realize is that is all porn. Even if it just a scene in a movie or book that is a sex scene, that is a pornographic scene.

      • Agreed. Another one that gets me is that people are perfectly alright with porn when it is presented as art. I personally think art can be almost anything, but just because people make something look pretty doesn’t mean it’s alright. I love to draw, but one reason I haven’t taken many art classes at college is because certain classes require nude figure drawing and I would rather not be part of that, even though the pictures drawn are not supposed to be erotic nudes.

  5. I for one know what porn does to your mind, having struggled with that mess for three and a half years. I am now 1 year and 10 months free from that addiction, all the praise goes to God. I appreciate that you are taking a stand against pornography. This is an issue for men everywhere, one survey I herd on AFR said that 95 percent of men struggle with porn, 85 percent of men in the church struggle with it and 45 percent of women struggle with porn. This statistic is heart breaking. Brother your not standing alone, I have resolved to keep my own sword drawn and fight this beast with all that I have. Thank you for being a light in the darkness and standing up for is right, I means a lot. Keep following Christ wherever He leads, and keep writing what He inspires you to write. Your Brother in Christ.

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