Excerpt from I Know Why the Angels Dance

AngelsDanceCover200I Know Why the Angels Dance is my only novel that isn’t squarely in the speculative fiction category. It is also my most overtly Christian story. Since I am known as a spec-fiction author, sales of this book haven’t been as high as I think it deserves.

My hope is that this post will serve to motivate those who haven’t read the book to give it a try.

He then looked down at Rose, raised a hand as if giving a benediction, and spoke with a loud, trembling voice. “Do not fear, little Rose, for although your body has been dashed by the ravages of disease and now lies still before us, you will not be abandoned. Yes, the shell that failed you in this life will waste away into the dust of the ground, but what blows with the wind to the four corners of the earth will not be lost among the waves of sea or sand. The one who weaved you together with the strands of human purpose and breathed his image into your precious soul, even as you slept in your mother’s womb, will gather together the fibers of eternal life and knit for you a resurrected body.

“As you doze again in your final slumber, the one who holds the keys of heaven will fashion your kingdom clothes, and he himself will adorn you with a robe of holy white, wake you with a kiss of the new dawning, and lead you from the valley of the shadow of death through the narrow gates of everlasting salvation. Frail child of dust, who once harbored the fear of the great unknown, go now to the holy city that brightened your eyes during your final hours, for its streets of gold are lined with angelic majesties who eagerly await your march into Zion.

“We, however, are left with only memories of your life, images in our minds of your smile, voices in our ears that mimic your laughing presence, and the lasting impression of your loving embraces. But we will not dwell on these, for they are the past; they are Rose dust, dying embers of bittersweet recollections that make us smile and then break our hearts. These broken petals are laid at our feet, and looking down on their faded glory will not bring back the fragrant blessings of your short visit. No, we will set our eyes on what is not yet seen, on that joyful reunion day, when you, in the fullness of bloom of an unveiled face, welcome us into the New Jerusalem and teach us the songs of praise that we will sing together to our Lord and Christ for all eternity.

“We now commit your body to the bowels of the earth, but may he who first took your hand only a few days ago now reach out to take the hearts of those you love, so that your joy may be full when you gaze upon an unbroken family circle in the glory of heaven.”

First Chapter ~ PDF (298 KB)
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8 replies

  1. This book is on my list of things to read, it’ll just be a long time before I get to it. There’s so many books for me to catch up on when I have more time…

  2. I read this book a couple of weeks ago and it was great! It seemed that this book made me more emotional than any other book you have written. It’s a great, if very sad, story. I would highly recommend it!

  3. I need to give this one a re-read. 🙂

  4. This book is on my list of books to buy/read. I want to read it. It seems really good.
    Don’t worry, Mr. Davis… I’m sure eventually I’ll buy and read it.

  5. Have you ever heard the song She Sees Angels by: Danny Oertli? It reminded me of this book.

    And: I don’t think I’ve ever dwelled on a book for as long as I did with I Know Why Angels Dance. It still makes me think.

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