
Tears of a Dragon – A New Beginning

Tears of a Dragon arrived during the second half of 2005. While I was writing the story, the back story kept growing in my mind. Soon, it became bigger and more interesting than the main story. I knew I would… Read More ›

Circles of Seven – Contentment

When I began writing Circles of Seven, I didn’t know where the story would go, only that most of the adventures would take place in England. To conduct research, I traveled to England and visited several King Arthur sites, including… Read More ›

The Candlestone – The Story Continues

My contract with AMG Publishers for Dragons in our Midst included four books, and I provided the titles for use in the contract, though I didn’t know what all the stories would be about. A candlestone was heavily involved in… Read More ›

Raising Dragons Anniversary – 15 Years of Dragons in our Midst

In June of 2004, AMG Publishers produced Raising Dragons, the first book in the Dragons in our Midst series. At the time, faith-based fantasy in the Christian market was rare, perhaps even non-existent. We all know about the Chronicles of… Read More ›

Are Dragons Evil?

And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. (Revelation 12:9)… Read More ›

A Fluorescent Idea

As an author, I love words and the images they conjure. A while back, I spent some time replacing old light bulbs with the new energy-saving fluorescent type. They look really cool. You know how a light bulb turns on… Read More ›

I am a Turner-Offer

I have decided to accept my station in life, as well as the fact that others are born for a different task. I am a turner-offer. As I walk through my house, I often find many lights turned on with no… Read More ›

Writing with Passion – Audio and Video

I  believe we should write with passion, which requires us to be passionate about the topic or theme of our work. Below is an audio of a talk I did at the Montrose Christian Writers’ Conference – “Passion, the Fire that Cannot be… Read More ›

Update and Plans for the Future

Susie and her oncologist, Dr. Lee Schwartzberg Thank you for your patience regarding my pause in posting during the past two months. I thought you might like an update on my wife’s progress. Susie had a mastectomy, which included the… Read More ›

Forever Faithful – Our 35th Anniversary

An angel trusted me that day. She appeared at the church entry door—dressed in white, veiled in mystery. Her dazzling smile weakened my knees and sent my heart racing. The music began, and so did an everlasting dance with this… Read More ›