Kay M. – Extraordinary work of art

This series is an extraodinary work of art! How Christianity has been tied in with the legend of King Arthur and Merlin was true genius! While reading these books you can really feel yourself growing with the characters and feeling their emotions. It has challenged me to pursue such a relationship with Christ like that of Bonnie’s, so that I can look at Him as more than a King, but my Lord, Savior, and Friend. These books are out of this world and truly a work of art!!


MIchaela M. – Strengthened my faith and love

Hello, my name is Michaela Michael.  I’m in the seventh grade, homeschooled, almost thirteen, and a HUGE fan of your series “Dragons in our Midst”!!!  The first of your books completely blew me away!!!  The in-depth writing made the characters come alive before my eyes and I was completely entranced through the entire book!  As a young writer who dreams of talent such as yours, these books have inspired me in so many ways!!!  The character Billy in particular seemed to remind me a bit about myself, and I almost felt like I was growing in faith with him throughout the books.

In “The Candlestone”, Billy’s submission to Christ despite his pain greatly encouraged me in my own walk.  Sometimes it’s hard to believe that no matter how many times I mess up, Jesus will continue taking me back, but what happened with Billy in “The Candlestone” really strengthened my faith in and love for Christ!  It gave a whole new meaning to Matthew 11:28 for me!  Also, to see Bonnie’s faith in Christ, and what wonders happen because of that faith and that love, it completely blows me away and challenges me to strive for that personal, intimate, relationship with my Savior.  I just wanted to say thank you so much for your books and how you’ve incorporated more than just Christian values into them, but how you’ve brought the characters alive and deepened someone’s faith.  That is just one of the things in your books that I love so much!!!!  I can’t wait for “Tears of a Dragon” to see the final conclusion!!  Thank you for reading this and God bless!!!!!

Phillip Z. – Sparked my own faith

I’m guessing we all have moments in time when we are spiritually at a low ebb. Ironically, Christmas day was one of those low points for me. I was toast. However, during the course of reading The Candlestone I couldn’t help but be re-energized by the very same power and Spirit that are the source of strength for young Bonnie, The Professor and Billy.

Yes, the book is far more “Christian” than the previous book, but it turned out great for this old boy that it was so. The reliance of the characters in scripture and on the basic principles of foundational Christian doctrine helped to remind me of the foundations of my own faith. There was enough scripture (without constant Bible references) and enough power in the “imagined” prayers – though I’m sure that large parts of those prayers are prayed every day somewhere by someone – that the prose sparked my own faith and continued to bring my mind back to my Savior and his wonderful love.

Emily R. – Will affect me forever

God really talked to me about Love. Also about forgiveness. Mainly I got this from Bonnie…she is my favorite character.  The Candlestone helped me make a major decision that will affect me forever. I am so thankful. Thank you!!!

Michael D. – Gave me the strength and courage I needed

The prayer that Bonnie wrote for Billy gave me the strength and courage I needed to make it through a very difficult time in my life. I’ll admit that I cried a lot while I was reading that passage so much in fact that after I finished reading the prayer I had to put the book down cause I couldn’t possibly read for a few minutes.

Jennifer P. – Stronger faith

These books have really encouraged me to have a stronger faith with God because of Bonnie. She is strong in her faith and trusts the Lord so much. Her favorite verses, Psalms 139:7-12, has now become my favorite too. I made up a tune to it, and when ever I feel scared or alone I sing it to myself. It makes me feel closer to God and believe that he will protect me from anything that try to take me down.

Lynne S. – Closer to God

Bonnie’s praying and singing of that psalm rang a chord with me (no pun intended)… especially because when I was reading The Candlestone, I was at a convent, where we prayed and sang psalms five times a day! I agree with the others, too; Bonnie’s faith was very VERY inspiring and it certainly did its part in bringing me ever closer to God myself.

Tracy C. – Increased my faith

The books have definitely increased my faith, and I love it so much. My pastors and my youth leaders have noticed it as well.  Now I truly have a loving, caring heart for other people. I love the Lord so much more than I use too. I’d say if I didn’t read the books, I would probably be who knows where. I can’t really picture it, but it might be still struggling to have this faith I have now in the Lord.

Christopher S. – A reminder of hope

The prayer that Bonnie wrote for Billy gave me the strength and courage I needed to make it through a very difficult time in my life. I’ll admit that I cried alot while I was reading that passage so much in fact that after I finished reading the prayer I had to put the book down cause I couldn’t possibly read for a few minutes.

I think the core thing I gained from reading this series is a reminder of hope. That no matter who or what is after you, no matter how bad things may seem, at the darkest place of your life, God is there. The Candlestone was a great example of that, trapped in a prison where there seemed to be no hope, yet Bonnie demonstrated that God’s love could reach even there.

Rachel R. – Really encouraged me

During the period when I was reading Raising Dragons and The Candlestone I was having serious faith problems I have been going through some serious spiritual, physical, maturity growth over the past year. Your books really helped because I was in kind of the same situation as Bonnie in The Candlestone my foundational beliefs were being challenged. The way Bonnie stood by her friends “under fire” really encouraged me. Its all over now but I wanted you to know that and to be able to say “my books really helped somebody” well now you can.