The Raising Dragons Graphic Novel – Ordering is Now Open

CoveronTableSince the Raising Dragons Graphic Novel is finally at the printer, I have opened pre-ordering for an expected December delivery. If you order by the beginning of December, I am confident you will get your copy before Christmas.

Here is the ordering link if you want to purchase from me –

If you want to purchase from the illustrator, here is his link –Ā

I think this graphic novel is fantastic, a real work of art. Want proof? Check out the sample pages below. šŸ™‚

Any questions or comments? Post away!




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12 replies

  1. Can’t wait! Just so you know, Mr. Davis on Amazon the graphic novel still has an older cover and has a release date of March 1, 2015. Didn’t know if you wanted to change that. šŸ™‚

  2. This is so exciting! I just started reading Raising Dragons recently, and I love it so far. I think I might get the graphic novel.

  3. I can’t wait to get my copy. ^ ^ I contributed enough for the backing so I could get a hard copy. ^ ^

  4. So exciting! šŸ˜€
    I heard that there might be a Special Edition to come out later… I think I can wait that long. :}

  5. Hooray! I’m so excited!

    Are you planning on coming out with graphic novels of all the other books too?

  6. YES!!! I’m sooo excited!

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