Cover Reveal – Beyond the Gateway

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Beyond the Gateway – Book #2 in the Reapers Trilogy. Coming in late fall of 2015.


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19 replies

  1. Yessssss, precioussssss……

  2. This is one of the better covers I’ve seen in quite a while.

  3. Oh! I LOVE it! It’s beautiful and creepy. I agree with James. It is one of the best covers I’ve seen in a while. 🙂

  4. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. YAYYYY! The sequel is coming! The cover looks great! Can’t wait to read the book!

  6. Exciting! Now I just need to read the first book, it’s just sitting on my shelf…

  7. That cover is so cool! Kinda creepy. A little foreboding. A tad cryptic. Extremely scary looking. I CAN’T WAIT!!!

    Looks at the calendar to see if it’s almost fall. Sigghhh… So long.

  8. Absolutely awesome!

  9. I’m so excited! I just (finally) bought Reapers yesterday!

  10. I was so intent on the pedestalhings that I didn’t notice the eyes at the tops. Super creepy cover! Gotta reread Reapers before fall 🙂

  11. So I just finally finished the first book and now I can’t wait until this one comes out! The end of this year is just to far away for a sure-to-be-amazing book!

  12. i am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to read the book! the cover looks AMAZING!

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